Custom Solutions

While numerous solutions exist for common problems, Dynamica stands out in its ability to address the most intricate and uncommon challenges. With extensive experience in investigating vibration, shocks, acoustic sources, structure dynamics, and equipment design and performance, we possess a unique ability to address standard, unique, and highly sensitive performance requirements across various sectors.

Our expertise spans consultancy, design, production, and implementation of solutions, aiming to diverse fields ranging from military applications to civil engineering, nano/micro-electronics environments, and cutting-edge research and development.

Some of our standout services and products include:

  • R&D and Project Management: Overseeing all stages of design, from initial concept to production, ensuring adherence to customer specifications or full solution development.
  • Acoustic and Dynamic Consultancy: Providing expert guidance at every stage of design, addressing issues from preliminary to critical stages, and offering solutions for problems detected during service.
  • Modeling and Prediction: Utilizing advanced techniques to model, apply, and predict various environmental conditions such as vibration, shocks, and noise sources.
  • Noise, Vibration, and Shock Control: Managing challenging dynamic environments to control noise, vibration, and shock effectively.
  • Consultancy of Absorbing Elements: Offering consultancy for acoustic, vibration, and shock absorbing elements, whether through custom design or commercial off-the-shelf products.
  • Finite-Element Modeling: Conducting acoustic and dynamic finite-element modeling to interpret results and enhance the design of structures, sub-structure elements, or equipment.
  • Precision Equipment Design: Addressing the needs of precise and sensitive equipment and processes by meticulously considering acoustic and dynamic design parameters.
  • Product Collection and Material: Offering a wide range of products and materials for prototypes and serial production of dynamic and acoustical solutions.
  • Custom Manufacture: Designing and manufacturing a diverse range of mounts, springs, dampers, dynamic bases, equipment skids, floating floors, and custom support structures, all supported by comprehensive in-house engineering expertise.

At Dynamica, we pride ourselves on our ability to innovate and engineer solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, even in the most demanding and complex scenarios.

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